Tuesday, December 14, 2004

last/first day

it was easier to get out of bed monday morning. the rising sun was filtered through light clouds and for the first time in my life i biked through snow. it was sort of perfect. it was my last day of work.

it felt like my birthday. and voluntarily leaving a job is sort of like being reborn. i thought i broke my toe when the 1,000+ pounds pallet of frozen grocery products almost rolled over my foot. but it wasn't as serious as my imagination suggested. it barely hurts anymore. that would've been a weird way to end my job, huh?

i hate it when my life degenerates into a soundbyte that is repeated to each person i interact with. but i wanted to tell everyone i knew at the co-op that it was my last day. "why are you leaving?" enter soundbyte: "going back to the east coast for a while...blah, blah, blah...probably work closer to my home when i return...blah, blah, blah."

it was so comforting though when some of my coworkers congratulated me for "getting the fuck out of here." yes, i am moving ahead with my life now. and i don't feel guilty for thinking that anymore.

as i biked home against the backdrop of the winter sunset i sang out loud "and it won't take much to taste liberation!" the first day of the rest of my life. look out...


1 comment:

amanda L. said...

that image you linked to is also the background of the internet cafe's computer i am typing on at the moment, coincidentally. i at first thought it was an error