Sunday, December 05, 2004

get it done, live for now

i think i've cracked the code for overcoming procrastination. well, at least understanding it better. it is directly related to our tendency to not truly live in the present.

the past three months i have been in madison (plus an evening trip to milwaukee to see ward churchill speak) working 32 hours a week. my work week is friday through monday, 8-4--every week. overandoverandover...i've realized that when you have such a set schedule life is no longer urgent. it's as if you are trapped in a maze with no map or exit strategy. it makes things seem immortal, like they will always be this way--forever.

this past week i decided to shake things up, giving my two weeks notice at work. i'm leaving madison soon and it's given me motivation to get shit done. it's exciting. when it seems like you're a hampster hopeless running along in the wheel it seems like there's always extra time to do all the things you've been thinking about. but no inspiration. how come it's only when our time is finite that we accomplish amazing things? maybe it's just me. here's to doing stuff...

one foot in the past, one foot in the're pissing on the present.

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