Friday, February 08, 2019

you don't like fridays. you hate capitalism.

we're building a new world, all of my friends and me 
it's not an exact science yet, but we have the technology 
now all we need is an economy where everybody will get enough to eat

we usually have free bagels in the office fridays, but not today. the kitchen is under construction so our collective equilibrium is off. a heart-shaped donut did appear on my desk so perhaps there still is hope. and the days are getting longer. i turn up the volume on my desktop, earbuds in deep, as pat the bunny's music reminds me what it's like to truly feel alive again. but that was yesterday. today is eerily quiet and my body has already begun to enter the social construction of the weekend. and later this afternoon there will be free ice cream.   

'cause our friends, they are enough
and our neighbors are enough
and finally we're enough
please help me be, please help me be
please help me be enough

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